ecr login maricopa
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The ECR Online system provides access to documents in the Electronic Court Record (ECR) for those cases you, as a registered user, are a party to. Attorneys are able to access images on cases where they are on the case record, and individual parties will have access to cases where you are the party of record.
Access electronic court records for family, probate, civil and criminal cases in Maricopa County. Register for ECR Online and view minute entries.
Welcome to the Maricopa County Clerk of Court’s ECR Online program. Please complete the information requested below to set up your ECR account. Important Note: A user who is registering and authenticated must be either a party to the case or the attorney representing the party in order to add cases for viewing.
Access your case through ECR Online. The following case types are available to registered ECR users: Family Court; Probate; Civil; Criminal; Tax Court
ECR Help. Clerk of the Superior Court ECR Online Support. Support Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 am – 5 pm. Support Phone: (602)37-CLERK, or (602)372-5375. Support Email: Phone and email support for ECR Online program is available during the hours stated above. Availability of Documents.
Maricopa County Clerk of the Superior Court has upgraded the eFiling Online application resulting in a new URL.
Access the ECR Online webpage. Register to use ECR Online. Login into access ECR Online. Add cases to your My Cases list. My Cases page – open case to view court documents. Viewing court documents. List of court documents. Scrolling document list. Remove a case from My Cases List.
Services provided via partnerships of Maricopa County, AZ Clerk of Superior Court. Case Information. Subpoenas Online (Attorneys) Court Forms.
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